Welcome to 2012. The Holidays are now coming to an end and we are all preparing to return to work. I myself took the past two weeks off and will be kicking back up on Tuesday, with a development meeting at Disney on Friday afternoon.
So the new year and has come. Over break you've prepared a list of objectives focused on your career. How are you going to put those plans into motion? Below are some points to think about and use in your efforts in completing those goals. These are not in order, be sure to thoroughly read each point, take notes, and contact me with any questions.
1. Timeframe: Be realistic, a career in music does not happen overnight.
2. Budget: Have you prepared a detailed budget covering all costs with a misc expense bracket?
3. Representation: Who is managing your career? Do you have a lawyer or similar to review and/draft your agreements. Be sure you have someone experienced in music. Do not hire your friend fresh out of law school to do your record deal. You will probably get crushed.
4. How do you plan to market your music?
5. Image: How do you plan to shape your imagine into a star quality artist
6. How well can you handle rejection?
7. Everyone in a Hollywood nightclub is a producer, probably full of shit. Nevertheless, get their info and forward it to your management.
8. Never pay your manager any upfront or monthly fees. Max is 20% commission.
9. Learn publishing, mechanical, public performance, etc etc rights.
10. Join BMI
11. What studio are you planning on recording at?
12. Who's your engineer?
13. Email me and I'll set you up with Universal Music Mastering for all your mastering needs
14. Email or call me with any questions.